(l.) 106-108 East 13th Street is a two-story firehouse constructed in 1928 for the New York City Fire Department (originally Hook & Ladder Co. No. 3). Plaques on the exterior of the building attest that this house lost most of its men responding to the September 11th attacks, making it one of the hardest-hit firehouses in the entire city. Hook & Ladder Co. No. 3 was first organized on September 11, 1865, originally located just west of here on 13th Street. A plaque on the building notes that Greenwich Village Mayor James J. Walker was responsible for its construction. (r.) 127-135 Fourth Avenue/100-104 East 13th Street was designed by Marsh, Israels, & Harder. This seven-story Beaux Arts–style warehouse was built in 1895 by George W. Levy. It housed New York’s first hardware store, Hammacher Schlemmer, which published what has become the country’s longest running catalog.

For more information on the history of these and other buildings South of Union Square, click here.

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Photo by Dylan Chandler